
Who Can Resist!!!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Double Rainbows-Different Days!

We have been having very active rainstorms the last few days.  Here are some pictures of the beautiful double rainbows.  The first one was at 7 a.m. in the morning and to the west just as the sun was coming up.  I have never seen a rainbow in the morning to the west of the house.  The other one was just the other day in the afternoon to the east of the house.  This must be a good omen that the ranch is going to sell soon.

The Ranch

We have our ranch up for sale and are planning to relocate in Salida once it is sold.  This ranch has been under the family name since 1904.  The first picture was taken from the front yard of Pikes Peak with the sun setting on it.  I always have loved that view.

Friday, August 23, 2013

2013 Happenings

Wow have we been busy this year.  We have had five new babies.  Three alpaca crias and two paco-vicuña babies.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Mountain Sheep

On our way to Canon City we saw these beautiful sheep in Sheep Canyon.  It always makes the trip more fun and interesting.   We were going down to pick up some more cabinets for the farm store.  Hopefully we will get it all organized the week so that I don't have to keep putting things away and then bringing them out whenever people come to visit the farm and the farm store.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

We are getting ready to head to SOAR in Tahoe City.  Hope we have a successful time there as a vendor.  This is our first time to take this type of a trip and we are really looking forward to it.

A New Paco-Vicuña In The Family

We just purchased this beautiful Premier-Plus Paco-Vicuña female.  Her name is "Tiara" and she will be a great addition to our herd. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Inti in Hawaii

HPA Peruvian Inti has arrived in Hawaii in great shape.  We know he will just love it there with all that lucious pasture - he loves to eat.