
Who Can Resist!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

New Addition to the Herd

This guy was born on the 20th of July, and what a knock-out he is going to be. We are still working on relocating to Salida. Hopefully, we will get that done before winter arrives here in the mountains at 9,000 feet.

The other picture is of the back yard. We have been having so much rain that it is just a lush green. Good to see after the years of drought that we have been having. Got to just love the view.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Here are the four youngest crias with their assigned babysitter. They are enjoying the wonderful warm sunshine.
It is raining here again this afternoon, and we surely do need the moisture. Gives me a reason not to finish staining the deck since it can't rain on it for 24 hours. Hurrah!!