
Who Can Resist!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Wow, I finally got this cable stitch hat and scarf finished.  It is made out of 100% baby alpaca.  This is the first time I have done a short scarf and put a button on it.  I really think it looks very dressy.  Am going to put it up for sale in our farm store in December when we will again have a two day open house.   So now on to my next project -- a baby blanket which is already started, and I need to just get it finished.  Watch for it in the near future - like two months probably.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Fall Leaves

I couldn't resist taking these beautiful pictures near Fairplay to post.  On our way back from Golden, and the Alpacas on the Rocks Open House, I saw these and wanted to post them for your viewing pleasure.  The colors are just breathtaking.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

After a year

Every day something wonderful and exciting happens here at the farm. We are always experiencing new things.
The farm truly is the "pot-of-gold" under the rainbow. Yes a year ago today we arrived with the last of the females. We have never regretted a moment of being here. Thanks Jane for this wonderful adventure.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Bucks & More Bucks

On my way back from the vets these guys were just hanging out in a freshly mowed field. There were 11 bucks and 4 does in this group.

Open House

Our September 3rd & 4th open house was a lot of fun. We had many products for sale, and some just for people to touch and experience. Lots of people took the farm tour and had many questions.
Our next stop will be September 24th & 25th at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds for the 15th Annual Alpacas on the Rocks Open House. If you can make it, please come and visit with us.


After spending several days working on the swather, Delmar was finally able to get out and cut and windrow the hay. What a beautiful sight it is to have the last field cut. Delmar is in seventh heaven when he is working with his equipment.

Hay Time

Here is Delmar & a neighbor baling the hay.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Bucks in hay field.

We see these bucks every day, this morning we saw eight of them, and me with no camera. I should know better than that. Behind our wetland we have a doe with three fawns-not one, not two, but three. But she won't let me get a picture of them. Two bashful I guess.

Kiana's PV baby - Sireno is beautiful.

This guy is Kiana's cria. He is such a little ham, and what a wonderful fleece he has. The paco-vicuña babies are always seeing what kind of trouble they can get into. We had seven babies this year - 5 alpacas & 2 paco-vicuñas/four females and three males. It was a good year.

Moved and now settled in Salida, Colorado

We wondered about moving to Salida, and as you can see it is such a beautiful place to raise our alpacas & paco-vicuñas. We love managing the place for Jefferson Farms, and we now have a total of 212 animals on the farm with more to come. We absolutely love it here, it is like a slice of heaven-on-earth.