
Who Can Resist!!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Bucks in hay field.

We see these bucks every day, this morning we saw eight of them, and me with no camera. I should know better than that. Behind our wetland we have a doe with three fawns-not one, not two, but three. But she won't let me get a picture of them. Two bashful I guess.

Kiana's PV baby - Sireno is beautiful.

This guy is Kiana's cria. He is such a little ham, and what a wonderful fleece he has. The paco-vicuña babies are always seeing what kind of trouble they can get into. We had seven babies this year - 5 alpacas & 2 paco-vicuñas/four females and three males. It was a good year.

Moved and now settled in Salida, Colorado

We wondered about moving to Salida, and as you can see it is such a beautiful place to raise our alpacas & paco-vicuñas. We love managing the place for Jefferson Farms, and we now have a total of 212 animals on the farm with more to come. We absolutely love it here, it is like a slice of heaven-on-earth.