
Who Can Resist!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

We are getting ready to head to SOAR in Tahoe City.  Hope we have a successful time there as a vendor.  This is our first time to take this type of a trip and we are really looking forward to it.

A New Paco-Vicuña In The Family

We just purchased this beautiful Premier-Plus Paco-Vicuña female.  Her name is "Tiara" and she will be a great addition to our herd. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Inti in Hawaii

HPA Peruvian Inti has arrived in Hawaii in great shape.  We know he will just love it there with all that lucious pasture - he loves to eat.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Mystery Solved

For the two years we have lived here we have wondered what the bright white on a mountain northeast of here was. So one Sunday afternoon our curiosity got the best of us so we hopped in the jeep and headed out to explore the origin. We picked the roads that we thought would head us in the right direction. Well the road got so rough we decided to park and walk to the top of the peak where we thought the mystery existed. At the top we peaked over to the other side and there it was. We now know that it is called "Bald Mountain", so the mystery is now solved.

Hay Hauling

Now this is the way to haul hay. It is all in the barn for another year. Hurrah!!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monte Vista Crane Festival-March 9-10-11, 2012

We had such a great time and did well selling products.  Need to make shawls and cowls. And, thanks to Jane & Arthur we were able to see the cranes without unhooking our truck from the camper. We are exhausted so we are just hanging out today. 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Who's the Boss?

"Okay boys this is my hay so stay down."  There always has to be one clown in the herd.  This guy typically is the lead guy. This was on the way back from the pastures, I think they don't want to go into their paddock, but want to keep playing.  "Boys", what can I say!!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mt. Ouray is my most favorite mountain down here, and I wake up and look out every morning to see this majestic mountain.  What a way to start the day.

Monday, February 27, 2012

You have to love Salida.  We saw these down the canyon on our way back to Salida.  They were very good about letting me take their picture.  Things are very busy here on the farm.  Delmar has been working on the electrical in the shop, and I have been knitting, crocheting, and spinning trying to get ready for the Crane Festival in Monte Vista.  What fun!!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Elk in Estes Park

When we were up in Estes Park in June there was this whole herd of elk, and I just couldn't resist taking a picture of these guys.  You don't get to see so many elk calves at one time.  I wanted to share this with all my friends.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Woven Scarves by Delmar

Delmar has started weaving and all of these scarves he did on a ridgid heddle loom.  They are either 100% alpaca or 75% alpaca/25% merino.  The very colorful ones - all except the purple - were handpainted by a friend of mine.  I think Delmar has found a new calling.  These are only half of what he has done recently.  We are heading down to the Monte Vista Crane Festival - March 9, 10, and 11.
They should sell well.  We are hoping to get a baby wolf loom soon!!!!!!

Keeping warm.

Now she knows how to keep warm during this weather.  Wish it was big enough for me to join her on the floor, but the bench will do.  The wind has been blowing for three days now and I truly am ready for it to stop.  We have had to keep all the animals in the barn area because of these strong winds.  The one good thing is it gives us a reason to have to stay inside and do our fiber duties.  Watch the blog because I will soon be posting pictures of Delmar's scarves he has been weaving.  He is good!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Salida Fiber Festival

Okay everyone I am now on the Salida Fiber Festival Committee.  The Festival is September 8-9, 2012.
http://salidafiberfestival.orgVisit our website.  I would like to invite all of you to come down and spend some time in Salida.  As you can see from the website it is a fabulous place to visit.

1st Annual Salida Fiber Festival September 8-9, 2012

Wow, we have done some extensive fencing.  We are cutting out the hay fields and turning everything into pastures.  Here are my herdsires coming down from the barn to their new pasture.  They now get lots of exercise.  This place is fabulous, and after the end of this year we will have it operating like clock work.  The work is well worth the time.  We have about 1/3 of our fencing project done.  Hopefully we will get the rest done this year, but the grant is good for three years so we don't have to kill ourselves off to accomplish this project.