
Who Can Resist!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Inti in Hawaii

HPA Peruvian Inti has arrived in Hawaii in great shape.  We know he will just love it there with all that lucious pasture - he loves to eat.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Mystery Solved

For the two years we have lived here we have wondered what the bright white on a mountain northeast of here was. So one Sunday afternoon our curiosity got the best of us so we hopped in the jeep and headed out to explore the origin. We picked the roads that we thought would head us in the right direction. Well the road got so rough we decided to park and walk to the top of the peak where we thought the mystery existed. At the top we peaked over to the other side and there it was. We now know that it is called "Bald Mountain", so the mystery is now solved.

Hay Hauling

Now this is the way to haul hay. It is all in the barn for another year. Hurrah!!!